Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

Well I clearly need to get back on the blogging wagon. It's been awhile!!

On that note: I changed my blog name (The Amy O Show) because I am going to just blog about all things Amy (not just how undomestic I am! LOL).'s Christmas season! Time to try and be crafty or something slightly related to that... We don't have our tree yet. I don't have one lick of Christmas decor out. I haven't shopped yet! (Save for my nieces in CO and that's only because my parents are headed out there today to take things with them!) I totally feel stressed about how fast Christmas is approaching! Yikes!!

The extra (fun?) part is for Carter's Christmas Party at school (yes, his school still celebrates CHRISTMAS) they are to make something for each of their 24 classmates to put in their stocking. It has to be cheap or free and I'm trying to rack my brain on what he could do. (Enter Pinterest...) Anyone else have fun (easy) crafts they've done with their kids that would work? OY.

Anyhoo...I will keep you posted and hopefully offer a more exciting blog experience in the future! I just wanted to hammer out something to get back into the swing of things!

Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crack Chicken

Crack Chicken.
For real.
It's crack...ask anyone who's had it.

I love Pinterest...have I mentioned that?
I mean, where else can you sit and look at oodles and oodles of fantastic food, crafts and humor for HOURS and still feel accomplished?
Well dear old Pinterest lead me to this Crack Chicken recipe which I have made no less than 6 times in February alone.
Here it is...doesn't look too exciting in the old crockpot but looks can be deceiving!!
Honestly, it's so easy even I can do it WITHOUT a fire!
Take 3lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast (they can even be frozen--BONUS!), a bottle of Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce, and a packet of ranch seasoning and plop, dump, and pour it all in your crockpot. Turn it on low and walk away.
6-8 hours later...voila! Tear up the chicken with forks and mix it all up well and *poof* Crack Chicken.
The original recipe does say to add two tablespoons of butter to the mix after the 6-8 hours and let it cook for 30 more minutes...but I've forgotten that many times and it's still just fine...
(I know, I forgot 25% of the recipe since it only has four ingredients right?...hilarious, but it still works!)
Anyhoos---make it...make it again!
It works great on a bun, with tortilla chips, as nacho meat, on celery (weird yes but my fave way to eat it), or however you can imagine it!
And tell me that you don't think Crack Chicken is an appropriate can't.
Stay tuned...I want to make some jewelry soon...

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Fun Anniversary Gift!

I wanted to think of something fun and different to get my brother, Chris, and sister-in-law, Jane, for their anniversary.
So of course I went to Pinterest. 
Where else could I find something creative and fun...surely not in my brain! Lol

So I found this fun idea and *poof* I had this fantastic gift to share!

I used some thick white cardstock, fun font, and a color printer and then headed out to find a neat frame to put my masterpiece in! And might I add that I just love frames that come with the matting already included! exact-o knives for this girl! ;)

Oh, and you might wonder where I got all the fun couples to put on there...well, Wikipedia of course! I mean, who really knew that Wilma Flintstone's maiden name was Slaghooplesee? Not I!

Anyway...if you're looking for a fun, creative gift for a lucky couple you should try this! It's simple and makes a great conversation piece!

Stay tuned...til next time!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So Amy...This is How I Roll...

I have to share this funny story because this just illustrates the real me...I've posted some fairly decent things since I've started this blog and I haven't blown up the house or cut off any extremities (a bonus...thankyouverymuch...), but I have to give you a glimpse into my talents on a real level.

My hubby bought Carter a special breakfast treat of Toaster Streudels.
Simple enough, right?
Well I thought sweet! I can make him one for breakfast today and then move on to making his lunch...
So, I pop that bad boy in the toaster and wait.
It pops up and by the time it does I have witnesses.
My hubby and my SIL, Jane, have entered the kitchen just in time to watch me grab the streudel out of the toaster, realize it's hot--REEEALLY HOT--and fling it through the air and land it perfectly on my hubby's foot. No lie.
I can not make this up.

You see, in a perfect world, where ALL brain cells function, a plate would have been set nicely next to the toaster ready for the streudel to be quickly placed upon it.
Not in my kitchen.
I put the stupid plate across the kitchen on the far counter...BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE!

So, it lands on hubby's foot and I just stare at it because it's flamin' hot and you know *I'M* not picking it up again.  And for the record I'm laughing so hard at myself I have actual tears running down my face!

*Le sigh*

Well, hubby picked up the streudel...placed it on the plate and all was well.
Until I called Carter in to come eat breakfast and he gets all pouty and says, "I wanted raisin bran, Mom. Not that."
Riiiigghhht.  Of course you do...

So he had a great breakfast of raisin bran and milk and the toaster streudel went to waste...

This is my life.

Stay tuned...who knows what will happen next!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Pinterest Valentine's Day!

Oh snap!
With so many fAnTaBuLoUs kids Valentine's Day ideas popping up all over the place on Pinterest how could I NOT have Carter take an idea from there and go with it? 
I mean, honestly, it's more fun that just buying them, right?

I'm not an artist nor will I EVER claim to be one.
BUT--I thought to myself, well heck, it can't be THAT hard to draw a jar, right?
I suck. least it looks like a kid did it, right?
(That sounds bad...I didn't do ALL his Valentines...but maybe I did too much...oh well!)

So, I drew a mason jar looking type thing-a-ma-bobber and Carter cut them all out.
He said he couldn't draw the jar lines "good enough" so I did it...pretty sure he would have done better but hey, it is what it is...

Then he used glue dots and stuck the "bugs" in the "jars" and wrote his friends name and his name on each one.
Ultimately, I think they turned out really cute despite my lame artistic ability.
And did I mention we did 31 of them?
(He insisted on giving one to EVERY teacher he has...not just he main teacher...God Love Him. He has a big, old, loving heart.

Anyhoo--after we got them all done we were pretty proud of our skills!
So, even if you aren't crafty...You can play one on TV...LOL
Stay tuned...

P.S. If you got crafty with your kiddos Valentines leave a comment--I'd love to hear what other people did!! :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Carter Request--Frosted Grape Salad

Well, the boy knows fair and well that Mama can't cook. (It helps him remember that Daddy reminds So--when he requested that I make frosted grape salad I knew I had to do it!

Again, it's easy peasy and doesn't require the oven or the fire department so that's a bonus.  (It did require a phone call to the hubby at work for the recipe on my part!)

So, if you're interested it requires a block of cream cheese, a cup and a half of sour cream, a tbsp of vanilla and a half a cup of sugar. (I think...haha!)  You mix that all together in a bowl until smooth and then mix with a bag each of red and green grapes (3-4 lbs or so...). Once that's all done you put top it with a cup of brown sugar and pecans (mixed together).  It's delish...
Oh--but if you're making it ahead, don't put the brown sugar and pecan mixture on until right before serving because it gets gross-ish.

As a side note...I also had cut up a bunch of carrots, celery and peppers to eat that night too and I learned something while doing that...
The sharp side of the knife works best.
Who knew? :)

Stay tuned...Lord knows what will happen next!

Friday, January 13, 2012

You *MADE* That!!??

So I am known far and wide as likely the most un-creative person ever. Ever.
I've always seen pix of cool things that a "normal" person could do and wistfully, wish I could do that.
But then I met Pinterest.
Naughty, naughty Pinterest.
Now, not only can I Ooo and Aah over those cool things but I can get the links to the "HOW TO" part.


So, I found a recipe for "No Bake Energy Bites" on Pinterest that looked fab.  And I didn't have to turn on the oven and deal with that...yet.
I bought all said ingredients.
I made said recipe.


So--you are likely to want to make these because I can. :)
Here's the recipe:

No Bake Energy Bites
1 Cup Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Honey
1 Cup Coconut Flakes
1/2 Cup Ground Flaxseed
1/2 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips
1 tsp Vanilla

*I always double this recipe*

Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Stick in fridge for 30-60 minutes to let "set up" a little.
Then make into balls...and ENJOY!!

Stay tuned...more emerging creativeness from the Uncreative Mom to come!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Beginnings of Craftiness

I am not crafty...
At all.
Then I discovered Pinterest.
 I must have had a dormant creative gene after all...
It just needed a kick start.

So, I decided to make my friend's Christmas present this year...
Hmm...after perusing Pinterest I found the perfect idea...complete with a tutorial!!

I have seen these bird's nest necklaces around and have always liked them.
My friend just had her third adorable red-head this summer so I thought, huh, I'd do the bird's nest necklace and use stones the color of her kiddos birthstones!

SO--off to Hobby Lobby I go to buy up the supplies.
Two hours later and much wear and tear to the jewelry aisle due to my pacing and second guessing...
I headed home to get my craft on.

As you can see from above...I did it!
It way miraculously easy and I felt surprisingly talented when I finished.

Baby steps right?

And--if you're reading this...welcome to my blog.  You can ride along with me as I venture into the world of craftiness and domestication...something my husband would likely agree I could use!
