Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Carter Request--Frosted Grape Salad

Well, the boy knows fair and well that Mama can't cook. (It helps him remember that Daddy reminds So--when he requested that I make frosted grape salad I knew I had to do it!

Again, it's easy peasy and doesn't require the oven or the fire department so that's a bonus.  (It did require a phone call to the hubby at work for the recipe on my part!)

So, if you're interested it requires a block of cream cheese, a cup and a half of sour cream, a tbsp of vanilla and a half a cup of sugar. (I think...haha!)  You mix that all together in a bowl until smooth and then mix with a bag each of red and green grapes (3-4 lbs or so...). Once that's all done you put top it with a cup of brown sugar and pecans (mixed together).  It's delish...
Oh--but if you're making it ahead, don't put the brown sugar and pecan mixture on until right before serving because it gets gross-ish.

As a side note...I also had cut up a bunch of carrots, celery and peppers to eat that night too and I learned something while doing that...
The sharp side of the knife works best.
Who knew? :)

Stay tuned...Lord knows what will happen next!

Friday, January 13, 2012

You *MADE* That!!??

So I am known far and wide as likely the most un-creative person ever. Ever.
I've always seen pix of cool things that a "normal" person could do and wistfully, wish I could do that.
But then I met Pinterest.
Naughty, naughty Pinterest.
Now, not only can I Ooo and Aah over those cool things but I can get the links to the "HOW TO" part.


So, I found a recipe for "No Bake Energy Bites" on Pinterest that looked fab.  And I didn't have to turn on the oven and deal with that...yet.
I bought all said ingredients.
I made said recipe.


So--you are likely to want to make these because I can. :)
Here's the recipe:

No Bake Energy Bites
1 Cup Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Honey
1 Cup Coconut Flakes
1/2 Cup Ground Flaxseed
1/2 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips
1 tsp Vanilla

*I always double this recipe*

Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Stick in fridge for 30-60 minutes to let "set up" a little.
Then make into balls...and ENJOY!!

Stay tuned...more emerging creativeness from the Uncreative Mom to come!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Beginnings of Craftiness

I am not crafty...
At all.
Then I discovered Pinterest.
 I must have had a dormant creative gene after all...
It just needed a kick start.

So, I decided to make my friend's Christmas present this year...
Hmm...after perusing Pinterest I found the perfect idea...complete with a tutorial!!

I have seen these bird's nest necklaces around and have always liked them.
My friend just had her third adorable red-head this summer so I thought, huh, I'd do the bird's nest necklace and use stones the color of her kiddos birthstones!

SO--off to Hobby Lobby I go to buy up the supplies.
Two hours later and much wear and tear to the jewelry aisle due to my pacing and second guessing...
I headed home to get my craft on.

As you can see from above...I did it!
It way miraculously easy and I felt surprisingly talented when I finished.

Baby steps right?

And--if you're reading this...welcome to my blog.  You can ride along with me as I venture into the world of craftiness and domestication...something my husband would likely agree I could use!
