Thursday, February 16, 2012

So Amy...This is How I Roll...

I have to share this funny story because this just illustrates the real me...I've posted some fairly decent things since I've started this blog and I haven't blown up the house or cut off any extremities (a bonus...thankyouverymuch...), but I have to give you a glimpse into my talents on a real level.

My hubby bought Carter a special breakfast treat of Toaster Streudels.
Simple enough, right?
Well I thought sweet! I can make him one for breakfast today and then move on to making his lunch...
So, I pop that bad boy in the toaster and wait.
It pops up and by the time it does I have witnesses.
My hubby and my SIL, Jane, have entered the kitchen just in time to watch me grab the streudel out of the toaster, realize it's hot--REEEALLY HOT--and fling it through the air and land it perfectly on my hubby's foot. No lie.
I can not make this up.

You see, in a perfect world, where ALL brain cells function, a plate would have been set nicely next to the toaster ready for the streudel to be quickly placed upon it.
Not in my kitchen.
I put the stupid plate across the kitchen on the far counter...BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE!

So, it lands on hubby's foot and I just stare at it because it's flamin' hot and you know *I'M* not picking it up again.  And for the record I'm laughing so hard at myself I have actual tears running down my face!

*Le sigh*

Well, hubby picked up the streudel...placed it on the plate and all was well.
Until I called Carter in to come eat breakfast and he gets all pouty and says, "I wanted raisin bran, Mom. Not that."
Riiiigghhht.  Of course you do...

So he had a great breakfast of raisin bran and milk and the toaster streudel went to waste...

This is my life.

Stay tuned...who knows what will happen next!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!! I can actually see that happening as you described. You are hilarious in the kitchen!!
